Cannabis sativa ssp. indica

sativa subsp. indica (Lamarck) E. 23 Aug 2019 The Key Differences Between Indica and Sativa Marijuana Strains the BLD (broad-leaf drug) strains are Cannabis indica ssp.

sativa. Sativa oder Indica: Was ist der Unterschied? | The Cannigma Dennoch streiten sich die Botaniker seit jeher darüber, ob es sich bei Cannabis Sativa und Cannabis Indica tatsächlich um zwei verschiedene Arten handelt oder ob Cannabis Indica einfach eine Unterart der Pflanze ist. Bis heute ist dies immer noch ein Thema heißer Debatten. Cannabis sativa - Philipps-Universität Marburg Im Netz findet sich oft das Synonym Cannabis indica.

Sativa buds are elongated and less dense.Cannabis create large amounts of (THC) tetrahydrocannabinol On average, Cannabis Indica has down levels of THC comparison to CBD, whereas Cannabis sativa has higher levels of THC to CBD. However, huge variability exists within either species. In case Indica and sativa … Read more »

indica .’ Panjkora River - The Real Seed Company - Ruderal Cannabis Seeds Hence, it can be classified as Cannabis sativa ssp. indica var. kafiristanica (Small & Cronquist). By contrast, the fully domesticated strain cultivated to the north in Chitral belongs to Cannabis sativa ssp.

Hilligs Forschung stützt das ursprüngliche Konzept zweier Sorten: Von Linnés Cannabis — C. sativa und De Lamarcks C. indica —, wobei die Sorte C. indica genetisch wesentlich vielfältiger ist als C. sativa. Hillig verstand die in Europa angebaute Unterart als C. sativa ssp. sativa.

Cannabis sativa ssp. indica

Indica Marijuana Cannabis sativa ssp. indica. Filter by Place.

Cannabis sativa ssp. indica

Cannabis Indica. Cannabis indica (Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica) is indigenous to the northern Indian Kush Mountains, so the name clearly shows its origin. It is the wild, original form of cannabis. This too is an annual plant. Indica Vs Sativa: An Overview of the Cannabis Types - Malie Cannabis Sativa (definition) “Sativa” has come to describe tall, narrow-leaf varieties of cannabis, thought to deliver energizing effects. Originally, however, these narrow-leaf drug (NLD) varieties were referred to as cannabis indica ssp.

indica / / Cannabis : Cette plante roche du houblon n'est pas originaire de  Industrial hemp (cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa var. sativa), while closely related to cannabis sativa subsp.

6 Dec 2018 We do know that indica and sativa cannabis strains look different and grow drug (NLD) varieties were originally Cannabis indica ssp. indica. 27 Sep 2002 Key words: Cannabis sativa, hemp, marijuana, marihuana, weed, oilseed. Small, E. ssp. indica, discussed below, an allusion to the historical. Cannabis foetens Gilibert.

This too is an annual plant. Indica Vs Sativa: An Overview of the Cannabis Types - Malie Cannabis Sativa (definition) “Sativa” has come to describe tall, narrow-leaf varieties of cannabis, thought to deliver energizing effects. Originally, however, these narrow-leaf drug (NLD) varieties were referred to as cannabis indica ssp. indica. It’s the first variety of cannabis to be documented and given a scientific name. MARIJUANA, CANNABIS TYPES 2- Cannabis sativa, ssp Índica. The índica varieties are native to India and Pakistan.

Generell werden die Sativa vs. Indica: Was sagen Experten?

The term sativa, named by Carl Linneaus, described hemp plants found in Europe and western Eurasia, where it was cultivated for its fiber and seeds. Cannabis indica, named by Jean-Baptiste Kender – Wikipédia Egyes botanikusok szerint a Cannabis sativa egyetlen faj, aminek több változata, illetve alfaja (például Cannabis sativa var. indica vagy Cannabis sativa ssp. indica) van. Vad változatai 2–3 méter magasra is megnőnek. Könnyen felismerhető jellegzetes, tenyeresen összetett, 3-11 ujjú fogazott leveleiről.